The famous cliche that:

"A Jack of all trade is a master of none" But the caveat is:
"quite often he is better than a master of one" -Junaid Oloruntobi



OND, BSc. Electrical & Electronic Engineering Solar Power Engineer | Embedded Software Programmer - Arduino/C++ Stack | Aspiring Full Stack Developer

My Skills



Barely few months experience in Web development. Substantial understanding of the basic web-starter-kits (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). I have worked with the jQuery JavaScript library for building an Online House Rental Website yet to be completed. JSON mock server for back-end and AJAX CRUD methods for querying database.
Grasp understanding of Git Version Control with Command line/Windows Powershell for remote file/resource tracking and accessibility on Github.


Electronic Circuit Design

This right here is my Niche. Speak of Electronic circuits design and construction, I am all for it. Albeit, not for commercial purposes, at least majority of past work, but mostly as a freelancer for exhibition purposes and assistance on student's project. I am familiar with Electronic Computer Aided Design (ECAD) such as EAGLE design software,Proteus and,Fritzingfor circuit simulation and making Printed Circuit Boards(PCB).


Hardware Programming

Over Five (5) years of experience in Embedded Software - integrating software into hardware. Basically programming microcontrollers specifically ATMEL's ATmega328, Atmega16 AVR Microcontrollers and Attiny 4X Series. My stack is the C++ and Arduino platform using the In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) capability of Arduino Uno/Mega as an ISP Programmer for loading Hex Codes onto microcontroller's EEPROM. I write and test instruction sets for microcontrollers for interacting with sensors and actuators. Overtime I have utilized the benefit of Open source libraries. Grasp knowledge of Procedural C++ come in handy especially when working on projects that required some touches in the original code base. It is awesome doing a little bit of reverse engineering on source codes. Below are a bit of works I have done in recent times.

  • GSM/GPRS Tracker - Key hardware: SIM800L GSM Module, Neo VM-6 Arduino Compatible GPRS module, Atmega16.
  • Computer-controlled RC-Car Robot - Key hardware: 4-WD Car Chassis, Arduino Nano, 413MHz RF Transmitter-Receiver Pair
  • Biometric Class Attendance Device with PC Real-time Data Acquisition on Excel - key hardware: Adafruit's RS308 Fingerprint Sensor Module, SD Card Module, Nokia51110 LCD, Arduino Mega.
  • GSM-PLC Remote Automation - Key hardware: SIM800 Module, Programmable Logic Controller, Atmega328 Microcontroller.
  • Motion Detection Controlled Lighting System - Key Hardware: PIR Sensor, Attiny45 microcontroller, Arduino Nano, 413MHz RF Transmitter-Receiver Pair.
  • Remote Electrical Energy Meter With Live Feed on IoT Platform - Key Hardware: ESP8266 WiFi module, ACS712 Current Sensor, Atmega328 microcontroller.

Solar Power Solutions

A vast knowledge of alternative Uninterruptible Power Solutions design and installation. I have engaged in the Installation of a 7.2kW Solar capacity with 15kVA Inverter at four different client locations. The highest capacity for domestic use I have been involved in. If you are a fan of sustainable Energy and would love to invest in a clean, reliable, environment-friendly power solution, I am your best plug. The Initial Cost might just freak you out, but you get a ROI in less than a 12 months period. And to mention, you get a well structured aethestic installation because for me, it's also an Art

Get in Touch

If you are fascinated by my Portfolio and would like to know more about this awesome personality , or you have a business for me, feel free to contact me by clicking the button below. Trust me, you wouldn't be dissapointed. Use the button below. My Reach is a click away. I'd do well to respond ASAP.

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